2024 will see a change in my usage of Apple products. This is the method I will use.

Almost as long as I’ve been interested in technology, I’ve owned Apple products, but in that time, I’ve never really given my device usage any thought. However, as the new year dawns and I look around bleary-eyed and hungover like many others, I’ve realized it’s about time I made some changes.

I’m a true bookworm—letting me go alone into a bookstore is very risky for my pocketbook—but because I use my iPhone so much, I’m not even getting close to finishing the books on my backlog. I need to approach things a little differently if I’m ever going to finish the mountains of books that fill my bookshelves. And that’s the main goal of my tech resolution for the year 2024.

Not a blanket ban

Nowadays, almost everyone you speak with will tell you that they wish to use their electronics less, especially if that means reducing the amount of time they spend scrolling through social media. Ultimately, a great deal of the most widely used apps on the planet are made specifically to be addicting and to hold your attention for as long as possible. This explains why it can be so difficult to put down your phone, even if you detest the apps you’re using.

However, I don’t think my phone is inherently bad and should be eliminated from my life, despite the widespread belief that we should all be using it less. It all depends on how you use your gadget.

For example, even though I adore real books, reading books or articles on your iPhone is perfectly acceptable, in my opinion. I find a lot of articles on the Pocket app that I never would have found on my own, and they’re all potentially very educational and informative. I don’t mind using my iPhone in that way, and I believe it to be a good thing.

It’s a different story, though, if I wind up wasting my time aimlessly scrolling through Instagram dog videos. I might get a quick rush of endorphins from it, but have I really learned or accomplished anything? I’m currently using this kind of activity to just occupy a spare moment in my day. And in 2024, I hope to make that change.

Purposeful usage

My goal for 2024 is to have much more intentional tech habits than relying solely on my iPhone or opening apps when I have nothing better to do. Whether it’s reading an interesting article, learning to code, or unwinding with one of the greatest iOS games, I want to make sure I’m always using my devices with a purpose in mind.

Fortunately, I’m already implementing some of these. I recently began studying the Swift programming language for iOS, and my iPhone’s Screen Time feature reveals that I read articles in the Pocket app the majority of the time each week. All of that is fine, and I’m glad to continue doing that this year because it guarantees that I’m learning something.

I want to see a shift in 2024 from the impulsive scrolling that so much social media incites in us toward this conscious use of my devices. Fortunately, there are resources available to assist; however, effectively utilizing them presents certain difficulties.

How to change my habits

Compared to my iPhone, using my Mac more deliberately and in moderation will be easier. Ultimately, my phone is constantly in my pocket, accessible from anywhere. About my Mac, I can’t say the same.

I should use my iPhone’s tools more assiduously because they can be helpful in this situation. I primarily use Screen Time at the moment to see which apps I spend the most time using. This iOS feature is more advanced, and it can block any app for as long as I want. However, I lack the willpower to actually utilize its limitations.

Maybe I should do that this year to make sure I stay on course. Because even though I’m aware that watching my fifty-first amusing dog video of the evening doesn’t accomplish anything significant, I still find myself scrolling over to number 51.

In 2024, hopefully, I’ll be able to break that terrible habit for good. I might finally be able to start clearing some of my massive reading backlog if I can accomplish that.

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